Real Time Market

Real Time Market overview

What is Real-Time-Market?

A market segment that features a new auction session each half-hour, with power to be delivered after 4-time blocks or an hour after the auction's gate closure. The price and quantum of power traded are determined by a double-sided closed auction bidding process.

Auction Bidding
Auction Bidding

Bidding is an offer to set a price tag by an individual or business for a product or service or a demand that something be done. Bidding is used to determine the cost or value of something.

Trading of 15 Minute Contracts
Trading of 15 Minute Contracts

The name says it clearly: the 15 minute day trading rule is a shorter form of day trading (within 15 minutes). You can contract the time limit even further. The idea is to spot a trend, buy/sell and then sell/buy within 15 minutes.

Risk Management
Risk Management

Risk management is the identification, evaluation, and prioritization of risks followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability or impact of unfortunate events.

Congestion Management
Congestion Management

Congestion Management through market splitting and determining Area Clearing Price (ACP) specific to an area.


Clearance obtained from SLDC by buyers and sellers based on availability of network and ABT meters.

Process Flow and Timeline

rtm flowchart

The trading process is divided into four key session:

Bid Session

Bid Session

Bid Session

Key features :

  • 48 bid sessions during the day.
  • Each bid session for a duration of 15 minutes.
  • First bid session to start at 2245 hrs
  • 15-minute gap between two consecutive bid sessions

Single and/or block including linked bids :

  • Single bids: 15-Minute bids for different price and quantity pairs can be entered through this type of order. Partial execution of the bids entered is possible.
  • Block bids: Block Bid for any 15-min block or series of 15-min blocks during the same day can be entered. Although no partial execution is possible i.e. either the entire order will be selected or rejected.

The bids so entered are stored in the central order book. The bids entered can be revised or cancelled till gate closure

About us overview

Financial Settlement

About us overview

Pay In / Pay Out (PI/PO) will be done on T/ T+1 date respectively subjected to banking hours and holidays

Matching Session

Matching Session

Matching Session
  • Bids for each 15-minute time block are aggregated and matched using a double-sided closed auction methodology, similar to the day-ahead market.
  • The Area Clearing Price (ACP) and Area Clearing Volume (ACV) are determined based on demand and supply for each 15-minute block.
  • Selected participants receive notifications about partially or fully executed bids and other trade-related information within 1 time block after the auction period ends.
  • The exchange utilizes ACP and ACV to calculate the obligation of selected participants and the power flow.
  • Bid limits are determined based on the funds available in the settlement accounts of the participants.

Result Session

Result Session

Result Session
  • IEX notifies Area Clearing Price (ACP) and Area Clearing Volume (ACV).
  • Exchange sends final results for confirmation and scheduling of Collective transactions-RTM to NLDC.
  • NLDC forwards schedule details to respective RLDCs.
  • RLDCs/SLDCs include Collective Transactions-RTM in the Daily schedule.
  • Scheduled transactions are deemed delivered.
  • Deviations from schedules are managed under UI, Deviation Settlement Regulations, or Imbalance Settlement Regulations.
  • Regional Entities connected at ISTS networks follow CERC Regulations, while Embedded Entities and those connected to state transmission or distribution networks adhere to respective State Electricity Regulatory Commission’s Regulations.

Process Flow and Timeline

rtm timeline
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